Was Justice Scalia murdered?


Why would the family agree to no autopsy if they even remotely suspected foul play? Of course they would have had an autopsy. So obviously his death was no surprise to them. The guy was 79 and obese, as others have already pointed out. I wouldn't be surprised to find he had an addiction to something like Oxycontin, and the family wanted to keep that dirty little fact quiet. I don't know this--it's speculation, but the possibility suggests one reason the family might not want an autopsy. Or it could just be a simple matter of privacy.

Justices, in spite of their very prominent role in our government, live lives that are remarkably private and free of press scrutiny compared to their elected counterparts.

If someone wanted to bump him off to swing the court ideologically, kind of like the "Pelican Brief" scenario, it would have been much smarter to bump off one of the younger justices. Roberts has been known to have seizures. Scalia wouldn't have lasted much longer anyway--bigger payoff to get a younger justice. And it would have been more logical to do this much earlier in Obama's term, when Republicans would be less likely to be able to stall it less than a year till his term is over.

The guy was old and obese, and had a lot of health problems. Why would anyone be surprised that he would die?


No. There is no evidence and there is no motive. Unless you consider the notion that the President would invite yet another shitfight between the Exec and the Legislative branches when he could have saved himself the trouble by killing Scalia a year ago.

The problem with conspiracists is they start with the conclusion and then shoehorn evidence into a fit. It's retarded.


Was Justice Scalia murdered? >> why does any one want to prove to everyone that they are stupid by Asking and Answering such questions ... those who do are all terrible , pathetic, people :( the man is dead and all Republicans can do is rant, volunteer for stupidity while others feed these ASSHAT HATING TROLLS !


Antonin Scalia looked before his death exactly like someone who was heading for a heart attack. Many heart attacks occur in the morning. There is no reason to suppose his death was due to anything else.


It would have been much more advantageous to off him several years ago before the SC ruled against Obama's executive orders so many times. There's really no tangible benefit to anyone right now. So no, that conspiracy theory doesn't make any sense.

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