How can a person earn money to take care of household expenses, eating, etc when jobs are difficult to find making very much money?


Reduce household expenses to the bare minimum to survive so more roommates than bedrooms, turn down heat, don't have contracts like internet, cell phones and cars with insurance so your monthly bills are very low. Learn to cook basic foods like pasta and veggies and beans and rice using meat only as a garnish. Don't have vices like drinking and smoking. Never attempt to look not poor because it cost more than you can afford.
Work at increasing your job skills, don't treat your boss like he is your enemy and evil but you are working to make the company profits together. Do more work than you need to get by so be willing to do whatever needs done without complaint. Finish your work and go ask for what you can do next, they will teach you more if you ask.
Do something in your off time like delivering pizza or babysitting on Saturday nights so you can earn an extra couple hundred a month, invest that into better work clothes and a hair cut. Ask your boss what you can do to earn a promotion or raise so they know you are trying to improve.


With great fooking difficulty is the only answer, chum. I hate the attitude of late where bosses don't really care that people have bills and look for ways to legally hire and fire at will as well as much penny pinching and being stingy about putting many hours on contracts even though enough work is available for them to do that. My Mother says that when she started work you just worked somewhere and went home, there was no treading on thin ice all the time like now and there was much less greed.


You simply have to live cheaply or work two or three jobs. Also, a roommate/spouse etc. can help a lot with the bills. This is a problem for a lot of people.