What about others , I see no end to my problems, wife dead.?


Favorite Answer

Indeed there is no end to problems my friend, I too have lost my father last year and have been raised with many ups and downs since childhood. But yeah still sruviving, miracle of life i guess. This is what life teaches us i presume. To remain firm in your self irrespective of what stands in your way, just keep on moving on.... :)


Romans 10:9
Acts 3:19.

Michael J2016-02-28T23:55:39Z

They have support groups you can meet with You can make friends with people in these groups. Check at your local church for other groups.
Also I recommend you exercise every day. The one thing you can save
is your own health and you will feel positive after you do it.

robert x2016-02-29T04:18:38Z

You have to start somewhere.. don't be scared .. if you don't look you won't find.


i think you need a professional help , and you need to know someone else how can replace her

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