What the hell are you talking about? Seems like a childish question! Nobody cares if she played stick ball in New York growing up. The only balls she played with were Bill's, even though Monica Lewinsky did a better job. Anyways, back to you! Please learn how to ask a better questions about politics. Your question is the dumbest thing I have ever read today. You either need to learn more about politics, or learn more about the country and how it runs. It might be true that Hillary Clinton played stick ball but it's still a dumb question. Sorry, not sorry.
It sounds like something Hillary would say, just as she dodged gunfire in Bosnia and she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary to recount a couple of the most popular fibs shes told. She's the Brian Williams of politics. She also claimed she wanted to be a Marine after the Dr Carson debacle created by the Press. Imagine the Rodham Bottom in the Marines, just when she was protesting the Vietnam War. I don't think so, she wouldn't survive the first day of basic training, and she would be protesting that it's too difficult.
Stick=penis. Ball=you know.
I doubt it since she grew up in Chicago. Are you just making stuff up again?
No, she said she played with alot of d I c k s and balls.