My mom and someone have moaning contests in the bathroom, but only when i think my dad is on vacation. What can I do?

If you know what I mean.


Favorite Answer

Join them!

often wrong2016-05-09T12:38:57Z

You could join in on the moaning contest. but from outside the bathroom door... its private what goes on in there.

but just stand there giving your best.. im sure it will draw some attention.
Stand there moaning until your mom and whoever it is comes out.

And then if youre still moaning.. but theyve stopped.. YOU WIN !.. and you get 1 million points.

If you tell your dad when he's back from vacation that you won the bathroom moaning contest ,, he will be thrilled to hear.

why girls hate me2016-05-09T13:13:25Z

Take a video and blackmail the someone for money


Lol i would go outside the house and call her on the phone and say that "i found something"

Pearl L2016-05-09T15:30:42Z

not much you can do