is putting PVA glue on my penis weird?

recently i have found that putting PVA glue on my penis, then waiting for it to dry and peeling it off, has been turning me on. I just find the pain so pleasant, it is hard to describe. It just works at getting me to ***. I want to tell my friends about it as it is becoming a frequent pastime for me. Should i? Or would that freak them out to much?


Probably don't want to share this with anyone except the kind of buddy you can share such intimate details with. Otherwise, not a good idea. Be careful. The skin there is thin and delicate. You could get a tear or cut. I've heard others like to do this with hot wax. I can understand why this might be a turn on as the skin is sensitive and has a lot of nerve endings there.

jason b2016-05-13T08:28:13Z

It's perfectly normal. Frequently I am at parties where adults discuss in detail the different adhesives and epoxies they enjoy putting on their penis and taking off again. You could even form a PVA club.


Yeah that's friggin weird you need to stop and like play a sport goodbye


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