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Anonymous asked in HealthMen's Health · 17 hours ago

Do people masturbate more than 3 times everyday?

6 Answers

  • ron h
    Lv 7
    42 mins ago

    You've posted this in "men's health" so I assume that you're a man and wondering if you're exceptional.  Before I answer, when you're talking about a man or men, use those specific words.  (and "people" don't get pregnant or have babies.)  But yes, lots of us jack off several times a day when we're young--early teens to early 20's.  We (men) don't completely stop jackin' off until we're pretty old, but the frequency does decrease when we find sex partners and get older. "


    So, no, you're not exceptional.  And contrary to a couple of other (dumb) answers, unless you're using some kind of tools or appliances to jack off, it's pretty difficult to hurt ourselves and I there's no way that standard strokin' can kill a man. 

  • 3 hours ago

    I believe you are the first person I've seen who isn't posing this question anonymously. It's a very popular query nowadays, and you can find a lot of them on Quora. However, there are a number of different responses. Masturbation, in my opinion and experience, is a bad habit because it serves like a drug to our brain. It decreases stress, but it can also be detrimental. 

  • 10 hours ago

    My record for most times I ever did it was like 7 , so yeah lol

  • Anonymous
    17 hours ago

    Not very often but some guys can masturbate over 5 times in 24 hours. I guess they're just extra horny, and there's nothing wrong with that

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  • 17 hours ago

    Yeah, its perfectly healthy, but chronic masturbation does exist and will kill you.

  • 17 hours ago

    I don't but some very sad people do.

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