Christians: Since you know Jesus & all his disciples were Jewish, how can you call him your Lord and savior ..,.?


...but be so against the Jewish people? You have no contact with them, do not work together with them to make the world better. How do you think Jesus would feel about your distance from and your attitude towards the very people he was from and spend his whole life for?


I realize many individuals support Israel. Some that support Israel are against the Judaism. That is another strange fact. I am glad if you are a Christian who REALLY supports Judaism by having Jewish friends and interacting with them in a positive way. But...MANY Christians are not like you. There is a BIG disconnect - they say they accept jesus, accept the scriptures but are against the very people that brought the world these two things. It is these people I address with this question.


Simple. He is the son of God who was raised from the dead. He is the savior of all the world. Jesus was a Jew and followed Jewish law but Jesus bright a new way to salvation through him. Christians don’t follow Judaism today because the Mosaic covenant has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. As Christians we don’t need to follow the old covenant any longer because that old covenant has been replaced. We now have a better covenant, with a better sacrifice, administered by a better High Priest, Jesus Christ.

Susanna LIVES2016-05-22T15:38:23Z

I have Never been against Jewish peoples I have many Jewish friends!!! I call Jesus my Lord and Saviour because He is...have you not heard? Gentiles were adopted into Spiritual Israel...I see you as only an attempted trouble maker😢

G C2016-05-22T17:14:27Z

God offered salvation first to the Jews, then to the entire world. We worship a Jewish savior and we quote Jewish people who wrote the Bible with the Holy Spirit.


Because he is our Lord and Savior, he is sitting at the right hand of His Father, ruling as King.
He gave his life as a sacrifice for us all.


Yes... We know that. Jesus was also God in the flesh, that is why we call Him Lord. Your "but be so against the Jewish people" is false, Actually most Christians support Israel.

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