How do I handle a fraudulent doctor bill?

I have medicare. I reported the fraud to them, but they took the falsified records as proof the service was rendered and disregarded my receipts and offer to check my phone GPS records to prove I couldn't have possibly been there that day.

The doctor is charging the copay. I am disabled and low income. I don't have the money to waste on a fraudulent charge.

Would I have to sue the doctor? If it goes to collections it could ruin my credit, but could I dispute it through collections?


Of course I talked to the doctor, she insists she was correct to charge. I won't go back there. Every little hit on a credit rating adds up and starts to affect things like car and home insurance. I do need a new car, but can't even afford a $3000 car, but at some point have to find a way.


And the specific procedure is not something that pertains to me at all. I went to that doctor for something unrelated to what was billed on a different day. It is a specialist I has just started seeing and that was the 2nd appointment.


did you try talking to the doctor's billing department to see if they mistakenly billed you for someone else's visit? the occasional mistake does happen, you know. Or if they insist you received the services, provide the doctor's billing service the proof you were not there that day? May work better if you go in person instead of just calling or emailing. OTOH, if you do not want to or cannot pay the bill, do you have some major purchase you plan to make where a small hit on your credit rating will hurt you more than the amount of the bill, in terms of higher interest rate or qualifying for a needed loan? My guess, since you say you cannot afford to pay the bill, is that you do not need a stellar credit rating at this moment. Your call.


Yes, you could dispute it with collections but, by that time, it will be too late. The damage will have been done. The time to fix problems is before it goes to collections. You said they disregarded your receipts so, to me, it sounds like you did receive the service. Either that or you failed to cancel within the time allowed and so you were billed for the office visit, which is perfectly legal and legitimate. You said you are low income and don 't have money... so how do you plan on suing the doctor? Do you realize that will cost thousands of dollars?


If it was fraudulent tell the doctor you aren't going to pay. If he sends it to collections report him to the that Physician Licensing Board.

Max Hoopla2016-06-02T10:33:43Z

If it goes to collections you can dispute the charge there. A collection agency is not going to want to deal with a problem like that.

