The State Department is the culprit here. Like any large, entrenched bureaucracy, their first duty is to protect themselves from outsiders. Funny how obongo's government does not feel that way about protecting America.
Because the GOP has nothing so they are trying, in their desperations to sell us Le Grande Orange, to keep the issue alive. I'm no longer paying attention to their BS. The NRA is killing us and the GOP wants to talk about emails and bathroom laws. How disgusting.
Because she has been obstructing the efforts to put this to bed at every turn. First she destroyed all the evidence, or so she thought, then she repeatedly lied about what she had done. Because she is a powerful woman and a former crooked lawyer the FBI has to have all their ducks in a row to make charges stick.
Because you seem to forget they are trying to recover the emails Hillary deleted before turning over her server!
Probably a lot of infighting between the FBI and justice department and the white house