Donald Trump has been married to his latest wife for 11 years now. Will he change wives within the next 4 years as history has shown?


I would guess he has had fewer women than Bill Clinton who WAS in the White House with that record.



with all the stress of the campaign,

dt will allege he needs the attention of yet anuther 20-something foreign model wife to relieve it.

he's only 70.

i think he's operating on the johnny depp model [no pun intended.]

but im sure dt's Dreat Team [no pun intended,]

will have a 100+ pp pre-nup for the lucky gal to sign.

not too bad a deal: she gets a $1 mil signing bone-*** [no pun intended,]

no strings [no reference to dt's $60k {no typo} weave intended.]


Idk buy his son Barron trump is shhhhoooooooo cute ❤️


Don't care if he does, Don't care if he doesn't. I'm not voting for First Lady.


I don't care about his personal life, I'm more worried about his public persona.