Do conservatives ever wonder why liberals don't scream for investigations of Powell's and Rices' email servers?

Uncle Pennybags2016-07-07T10:27:21Z

Probably for the following reasons:
1. Neither Rice nor Powell kept their own home-brew email servers.
2. Neither Rice nor Powell withheld their work related emails for two years, and then still didn't turn over thousands of them.
3. Neither Rice nor Powell told Congress and the American people a string of lies about how those emails were handled.
4. Secretary of State Rice did not use email period.


Since Rice, believe it or not, never used email, under any circumstances, I'd guess not on her. But they certainly are hypocrites about Colin Powell.

Spock (rhp)2016-07-07T10:30:37Z

as explained elsewhere multiple times, neither had a private server. Rice barely used email at all and Powell used a commercial service that provides system security routinely to all customers. only HiLiarY felt so burdened that she had to have private server -- presumably so that she and she alone could decide what you needed to find out about her activities.


I find it very interesting that conservatives are willing to split hairs over the difference between Clinton's action and Powell/Rice's action, sifting through the grains of sand to find any possible distinction no matter how minute...but then be *completely* unable to understand the difference between "carelessness" and "criminal negligence".

The Taxpayer2016-07-07T10:33:25Z

They're protected under the PC laws.

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