Republicans. Pence? Seriously? I would've thought the Donald would've been smart enough to pick a minority woman to give himself a chance?

Or at least someone more moderate, rather than a bigot like Pence.

Your thoughts?


It shows he's not securing the base of the party, the die-hard conservatives who donate, he's going with another far right con with the hopes of allaying the fears that he's not right wing enough. This won't broaden his appeal nationally. Many already see him as close to fascist. Going for the more right will turn people off.
Of course he's not officially announced yet, knowing him he's put out feelers and now will wait and see what people say before his announcement.

Jack Boot2016-07-14T13:11:42Z

Nothing would have more thoroughly torpedoed Trump's chances of winning the election than choosing a "minority" woman as a running mate.


Clearly he thinks his best chance to win the election is not to win over moderates or independents, but the conservatives he's already alienated. Those are the only people Pence might win over.


Trump is a Zionist so he's going to chose a Zionist. There is no moderates in either party when AIPAC and ZOA control the government.


Thanks for proving what I've always said about liberals: you are going to call any Republican a racist/bigot no matter who they are, no matter what they've done.

Liberals are race-baiting, gender-baiting garbage.

Is that enough of a "thought" for you? Hmm?

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