How to reduce skin irritation on my butt?

Okay, so I'm 23 years old in case that has any relevance and 4 weeks ago I had some pretty major surgery and for a large duration of my hospital stay (I was in for a week) I was confined to bed rest which lasted roughly 5 days.

During that 5 days I had to stay on my back and be laid flat and due to the type of surgery I had there was high risk of bleeding down in that particular region. So they placed an incopad (kinda like a absorbent sort thing) beneath my butt to prevent blood getting on the bedding.

Anyway, it being Summer and the fact this incopad seemed to absorb heat as well as blood and the fact I wasn't allowed out of the position of was in lead to me getting extremely sweaty and sore down there leading to cuts and irritation.

For the most part it seems to have cleared up however certain areas that are prone to sweating more are still getting extremely irritated due to there still be residual skin irritation in the area.

I'm able to be up and about again now so things aren't quite as bad as they were in the hospital but yeah.

How can I reduce skin irritation on my butt?


I would suggest calling your doctor, or even the hospital. Many hospitals have a free 'Ask-a-Nurse' type phone line, You tell them your symptoms, and they will provide the best solution.
In the meantime, wear loose fitting clothes, and treat the area with an antiseptic/analgesic type first aid spray or salve.