Trump defenders: if you're okay with Melania copying a speech, aren't you still upset she copied an Obama speech instead of Reagan's speech?


Favorite Answer

Trump is a liar and a coward.

they'll never admit they plagiarized.


Unless the spouse of a politician is bad mouthing him I really don't care about what they have to say about their spouse. If the spouse is running down the politician then there may be something of interest about the politician that needs to be looked into.

I am far from a Trump defender. I find him a shallow power hungry fool feeding fear and hatred to get votes.


We're voting for a president, not a First Lady or a VP.


I've lived through many a First Lady - Nancy, Barbara, Hillary, Laura, and Michelle - and I've yet to ever give the remotest sh!t about what they do or say.

In my opinion, whenever a president's spouse speaks, the whole crowd should just yell, "STFU, no one elected your dumb @ss."

If I hire an electrican to rewire my house, I don't want his spouse's opinion on how to do it. If I wanted their opinion, I'd have hired them.

Ed Harley2016-07-19T08:56:02Z

If you threw out all the go-to phrases in American politics, these people wouldn't say much at all. God Bless America, the State of the Union is Strong!

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