what s differance between liberals and conservatives?


The difference is largely abstract, and hypothetical. Truth is there is more in common, with so-called "liberals" and “conservatives" than many care to admit. Biologically, psychologically, anthropologically, both organisms are substantively the same. But the powers-that-be have elected to try to divide them, for their own economic and social benefit. "Divide and conquer" is the ancient political saw. If it works, don't fix it. Like arms merchants, the Vegas gambler merchants make money, no matter what party wins. It is all about getting the pigeons pushing the levers. And push, push push the levers, the pigeons do, and will. I'd put my money on the House. It never loses. :)


do you think maybe next time you could ask a bit more broad and vague question?

If your knowledge is that limited, tryy switching to Discover Mode and read a few of the questions and answers first.

Seriously, to do this question justice would take pages and pages. I am not trying to be mean, or snarky. Just honest.

I am a conservative, by the way.


Liberals believe in changing the laws to try to fix our problems.
Conservatives believe that changing laws cause more problems than they fix.

Generally speaking, everybody is conservative compared to the liberals of the future, and the "conservative" title, therefore, is meaningless or doesn't even exist without the existence of a liberal who is proposing a change.


Conservatives: Earn a living - Liberals: Take from the government
Conservatives: Strong military - Liberals: weak military
Conservatives: Strong borders - Liberals: Let anyone in
Conservatives: Pro gun - Liberals anti gun
Conservatives: Pro religion - Liberals: anti religion/anti Christian
Conservatives: School choice - Liberals: Anti school choice pro failed government school
Conservatives: Anti abortion - Liberal: pro abortion choice
Conservatives: Pro right to work - Liberal: pro union
Conservatives: Pro merit - Liberal: pro affirmative action
Conservatives: Pro law enforcement - Liberal: Pro criminal
Conservatives: Pro American - Liberals: Anti American


About 30 IQ points, in favor of the liberals.

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