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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 days ago

Why do I need ID to buy firearm if I do t need one to vote?

43 Answers

  • 12 hours ago

    Most governments want their citizens to vote.  Only the USA tries to stop people from voting.  A government should provide one ID card that is good for voting and all other services.

  • 12 hours ago

    "Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."

    Sara Brady

    Chairman, Handgun Control Inc, to Senator Howard Metzenbaum

    The National Educator, January 1994, Page 3.

    Guns don't vote, people do. Dems want as many voters as they can get.

    1.Register everyone who has firearms, in order to confiscate them when the time comes, preventing them from opposing your revolution.2.Infiltrate and take control of the mass communication media.3.Divide the population into antagonist groups; encourage arguments between them over social issues.4.Destroy the people’s confidence in their leaders.5.Talk all the time about democracy and republic, but when the opportunity arises, seize power as a dictator.6.Cooperate with the drainage of public funds; discrediting the image of the country, especially overseas, and create panics within the population through the launching of an inflationary process.7.Encourage strikes, even if they are illegal, in the country’s key industries.8.Promote riots while conspire to prevent intervention by law enforcement.9.Cooperate actively in destroying the moral foundations of society and honesty and trust in the government’s promises. Infiltrate other parties with your own people, forcing them to vote for what is useful to your own party’s interest.10. Corrupt the youth and give them absolute sexual freedom.

  • 13 hours ago

     Because idiots like you should never have access to a kitchen knife let alone firearms and BTW 2nd amendment must be removed from the constitution, it’s outdated irrelevant and it’s killing people. 

  • Because you people tried to murder congress.

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  • 1 day ago

    Because the left want to take away your right to defend yourself and they will do it by allowing the people who would kill you to vote - i.e. criminals, illegals, gangs, cartels, invaders and Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    If “because it is a right” is a valid reason to to allow anyone to vote in anyone else’s name without verifying then the same ought to apply to buying guns. I am all for it. Let all the criminals get all the guns they want and watch the country burn. 

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    We have to provide ID just to get a job too. I think everybody that registers to vote should submit to a universal background check to make sure they are actually fit to vote. FBI should look into them and their past histories too. Voting can be a dangerous proposition. Germany voted Hitler in by a free and fair election after all. By using the universal background check for voters, we can eliminate voter fraud and foreign interference in our elections and make the country a safer place.

  • 2 days ago

    I have been voting since the 1970s. I have always needed one to actually vote. But nat always to register.

    Lived in Calif. Florida and Connecticut.

  • Tommy
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    You need an ID to register to vote.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    FALSE! You don't need an ID to buy a gun from a private seller at a gun show. Infact, you don't even need a background check or paper trail. #DEBUNKED

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