Do Bernie and Elizabeth Warren truly believe that Hillary will break up the Big Banks? They have her in their pocket!?
I mean the banks have Hillary in their pocket.
I mean the banks have Hillary in their pocket.
While Hillary is President (and this all hinges on her winning) She will not be able to make paid speeches to Goldman Sachs Et Al. But Bill Can!
So, why make just one speech for a quarter million, when you can deliver the same speech four times and get the whole Mil out of it?
Clearly, it is in the Clinton Crime Family's best interest to break up the banks. And we know we can always count on them to do what's in their best interest,.
Here is what you fail to see.
Under the current financial system in US politics you have to take in hundreds of millions in corporate donations just to run. So does Hillary play the game well under the current rules? Yes she does. But on the same token Bernie, Warren, and Hillary all understand that in the years to come we HAVE to get rid of the corporate money in politics.
Kiran C
No why? Their bank reform plans are similar. "A central plank of Sanders’s Wall Street plan would order regulators, in his first year in office, to break up “too big to fail” banks and set a cap size for financial institutions going forward.
He also calls for the return of the Glass-Steagall Act, a Depression-era law that was repealed in the 1990s that has maintained a firewall between traditional and investment banking.
Clinton’s plan is more precise. She would impose a “risk fee” on the biggest financial institutions that would increase as banks get bigger. Under her plan, regulators would have the power to break up large financial institutions, but would not be ordered to do so.
She has also vowed to close a “loophole” in the “Volcker Rule,” a central piece of Dodd-Frank that bars banks from making risky trades with money guaranteed by the federal government through deposit insurance. Clinton argues that the fact that banks can still invest in hedge funds is a lingering risk not addressed by Volcker, and has pledged to address it."
That is laughable - her VP Kaine sent a letter to banks guaranteeing they wouldn't be regulated right before Hillary picked him to be VP.
Tim Kaine Calls To Deregulate Banks As He Campaigns To Be Clinton’s VP
Easily the dumbest, ever
It's amusing to see those two extreme far left crazies support a candidate who's been bought and paid for by Wall Street.