How did rich whites in the north convince poor whites to fight to free slaves? What was in it for them?
Same way people vote Democrat living in systemically racist cities or who are Hispanic hookers to work off the coyotes fee. Sad to rely on Russia to reveal Hillary truths and not an inquisitive press! They suppressed Edwards paying off a pregnant girlfriend with campaign funds and a dying wife too in 2004. So this is freedom...
They didn't have too. All those in the South felt the North was running ramshackle over their way of life. All in the South were fighting to protect their way of life.
Because the war wasn't just about slavery. It was about the power of the Federal government vs. the state governments.
If the feds had less power, America would be in much, much better shape these days.
THE CIVIL WAR WASNT ORIGINALLY ABOUT SLAVERY!! it became an issue but it wasnt what started the war.
& to answer your question, they do it the same way they convince them to fight today. you dont see rich people fighting the wars they lobby for nowadays do you? poor people join the military for the benefits and prospects offered to them should they survive.