What was God's intentions on making man?
This is a question about society and culture. I want to know what people think, not what to think. People tell others what to think based on learning about how people think, I'm done learning how to think about religion. Personally, I don't care if an omnipotent omniscient force or being exists, because I think that if he or it if the existence can be proven or shown overqualifies than any one person or thing to run a whole universe and anyone in said position is outweighed by the collective group it tries to govern thus making the decisions made by one person insufficient and underestimated by the group. It's like making the president of the United States the president of Europe. Sure he could be the president then, but can he rule Europe? But we're not talking about the president or Europe. If we were, would or may I ask could the president rule Europe? Would or could a being like God rule the universe if he or it existed and if so, would we or could we possibly determine the matters at which he or it shall govern besides our own if we had the same power and knowledge to do so?.. I think not, because the universe like society can't be governed by one person and if it can, the general populace would far outweigh the concerns of any one person.