How do I convince my mom to give me a later curfew?

I'm 17 and I don't really have a set curfew but if I'm out past 8pm she starts calling me a lot. I'd just like to raise it to 10pm (or later) and it's not like I'm a bad kid, I do my school work, have a 4.3 GPA, I take care of my younger brother who has special needs so that she doesn't have to, and I do a lot of the maintenance around the house. I don't know, I'm afraid that she'll start getting annoyed if I'm bringing the situation up and she won't understand that 8pm is unreasonable in my eyes. Are there any good tactics you guys can recommend?


Why don't you start calling her?
At least that gives you a little more control - and will give her the feeling that you are interested in her knowing that you are safe. It works both ways. There may be (lets hope not but...) some day you wish she noticed you didn't call, and started to look for you. But if you start calling her, you can not only decide when that is (start a bit early, then push it a *bit* past 8), and she will also see you taking control of your own safety- and her worry. If you do that for a bit, she may be more comfortable with your being out later. Tell her you're "getting her used to the day when you're a grownup" <wink> It's hard for parents, too.

PS - I went away to college, and came back for awhile when I was over 18. Mom waited up for me every time I went out. It's hard for them...


Just get serious. Ask your mom if you guys can talk for a second, and let her know it's not like you're asking for that toy that you're going to put down in a week. You're serious and would like to seriously talk about it.

Normally curfew is around 10 or 11, so I would negotiate that you be home at 10 whenever you go out unless she's picking you up.


8pm is completely reasonable for school nights. 10 or 11 would be more appropriate for Fri and Sat nights. Bottom line though, you are underage and as long as your mom/parents are supporting you then you need to abide by their rules. Sorry, not the answer you wanted to hear, but it won't last forever.


Be nice to her, help around the house maybe get a job so she thinks you are muture and trusted to be out late