Will an improper coolant to water ratio cause overheating?

Im pretty sure theres too much water, and not too much coolant. Like a 70/30 split of water and coolant. Could this lead to overheating?



In an emergency you can even use 100% water.

But this leads to corrosion in the cooling system over time, and it will ruin the motor if it freezes. So don't leave it like that.

A 70/30 mix is fine unless you live in a really cold climate where the diluted mix could freeze up. The 30% is enough to prevent corrosion.

Of course now you need to work out why it's overheating.


Water is what actually cools the engine, the "coolant" that you add is antifreeze, it doesn't cool it just keeps the water from freezing in the winter, which could burst the lines since water expands as it freezes, and it also raises the boiling point of the water to keep it from making steam pockets in the cooling system. So having more water is better than having more coolant, since the water is what actually cools the system. If you buy the 50/50 premixed antifreeze/coolant then you shouldn't have to add water at all, since its already diluted with water.

