I want A job but my parents won t allow me to.?

Yeah my description lives up to the title. So I am going to be 16 in a couple of weeks. I m getting ready to be a responsible young man and land a job somewhere but there is a wall that is blocking me. A wall called "Mom"! My mom says that I need to focus in school. I understaf where she is coming from but seriously im a high 80s type student. 87 avg usually. She says that I need to focus on studies and that she d rather have me moe lawns, or do yard work for neighbors. But that is not what I want to do. I ve done that before when I used to save for something, but I mean a real J-O-B. Like any entry level fast food job. Ok sure I get taxed the hell out of especially here in NY but seriously! I want to work hard for and to start buying my own things. I want to be independent. I understand that I need to do well with studies but I tried to tell my mom that I have alot of time. School runs from 8:00 to 2:40. I ll have plenty of time to work, study, and get good sleep. There are 24 hours in a day. I know I can do it. As far as my dad goes, he somewhat supports working. My sister works and he likes that. He might like the idea of me wanting a job but my mom is mostly what is stopping me. I told her that I can work just on week ends, but she didn t answer me after that. How do I convince my mom to let me work?


I would think that you would need to sit down with your mom and have a mature talk with her. IF she's still on the "no" train, ask her, other than mowing lawns and lawncare, what jobs she would be comfortable with you having along with school. There will probably be a lot of compromising to be done, but if all works, you'll hopefully have a job soon.


Sorry made a few spelling errors cause my fingers are big and don't press the right letter that I want.


Be nice to them