How do you convert college semester hours for job application?
For a job application it asks me to list the college semester hours* you received in your major and minor. *Please list hours as semester hours. (Convert quarter hours to semester hours by multiplying the quarter hours by 2/3.) However in my major (Social Work) I completed over 120 credits (with some of these credits double counting for my minor in Human Relations. I also completed a 500 hour internship, do I include that as college hours too as that was technically graded as a field clinician passing grade?
On my college transcripts is says I have 160 credits including credits that transferred from when I was enrolled in PSEO in high school. Do I go 160 credits (hours of credits completed) +500 (internship hours) to get my total? Or do I have to go individually and add up each class for instance some were 1 credit, while others were 3 credits and the more advanced classes where 5 credits. Thanks in advance for your answers! I was going to be a double major, that is why I took so many credits!!