How do you convert college semester hours for job application?

For a job application it asks me to list the college semester hours* you received in your major and minor. *Please list hours as semester hours. (Convert quarter hours to semester hours by multiplying the quarter hours by 2/3.) However in my major (Social Work) I completed over 120 credits (with some of these credits double counting for my minor in Human Relations. I also completed a 500 hour internship, do I include that as college hours too as that was technically graded as a field clinician passing grade?


On my college transcripts is says I have 160 credits including credits that transferred from when I was enrolled in PSEO in high school. Do I go 160 credits (hours of credits completed) +500 (internship hours) to get my total? Or do I have to go individually and add up each class for instance some were 1 credit, while others were 3 credits and the more advanced classes where 5 credits. Thanks in advance for your answers! I was going to be a double major, that is why I took so many credits!!


the credits for your major are not your total credits

they are only the credits that count towards your major

so since your Major was Social Work you would include only the credits related to social work major

most majors only require about 30 semester hours of credit

and no, you would not include the 500 hours internship