If Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) would have run for president, would you have voted for him over the two current choices?


Yes. And I have not voted for a Republican since Bob Dole. And I can't stand the RNC, either. I could have voted for McCain until he rolled over on his moral position against torture in 2006 to get RNC support. Hillary got my vote this time, I can only hope that in 4 years there will be a palatable third party choice.

My name is not bruce2016-10-29T00:01:52Z

No, because of how he acted while running with Romney . How he dealt with trump though, I was actually impressed. I'd consider him next time around. He has to not pander to the deplorables though. Animals are not allowed to vote.


It depends on his platform. I am a liberal but I do respect Ryan, however he has some ideas i totally disagree with. I would strongly consider him at least.


nope. he is a ballless punk standing next to Trump

id take him over Hill Dog tho


Well if it were Hill and him of course Paul.

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