Do republicans have any idea they're being led by the nose?

They have to know. Nobody can possibly be that dumb.


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I'm wondering why Hillary got totally destroyed by someone with no experience.


Do Democrats have any idea, even now, that Hillary lost the Election by over 35 Electoral Votes. Do Democrats understand that is how a President wins, based in all the States, not just California's huge Gay Community of 2.5 million votes. Do they appreciate that alone explains the purpose for the Electoral College.


Better than be lead by a Horses Asss with a Colostomy bag, and 3 FBI Investigations, NO ONE EVER HAS HAD THAT MANY IN POLITICS btw. Has been caught Lying every year for the last 20 years, so much so she has a reputation amongst Democrats, The Clintons are BONNIE AND CLYDE. Whether you like to sniff her anis or not, she has never changed ever.


LOL...of course not! They've been suckered for decades. Why would they wake up and smell the coffee now?!?


No they don't know. Just look at these responses

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