Favorite Answer
Depends. The Israelites actually literally worshiped the golden calf, it was their representation of Jehovah. God doesn't accept the veneration of material idols as a legitimate form of worship, especially not an idol made to look like Baal. Not to mention, the Israelites were engaged in the most perverse sexual sins, drunkenness & debauchery. During Christmas, most of us just hang with family and it's all relatively moral, we're not actually worshiping the material things. It's only when people make Christmas into an idol and engage in sin that it becomes akin to the Golden Calf.
As I remember it, the story of the Golden Calf came about when Moses left his people to pray and his people thought he had forgotten about them. So they melted down gold and created a calf to worship, in direct violation of God's order not to worship other gods. The Jews were punished for their sins and so was Moses. Moral of the story, be patient with God.
It has NOTHING to do with the birth of Jesus, which the Jews don't even accept as anybody other than a grand imposter, and a dangerous one at that.
k w
it's a mix of [[ winter solstice, birth of Christ 10 weeks late, no mention anywhere to celebrate the Messiahs birth in the Scriptures! not that that matters to heathens like us]] but it's really not enuf to argue's at least a positive time even considering it's fouled up past. THE GOLDEN CALF is totally heathen and idol worship in nature, so no it is not the same at all....more like a communist substitute......