How much will 4 years of Trump cost us ? 5 trillion - 10 trillion -15 trillion ?


Favorite Answer

He'll cost us - 15 trillion at least

Digital Princess2017-01-02T21:41:08Z

100 Trillion a Year.


5 trillion would be just as bad as the 5 trillion under Obama,
With rumors that deficits and debt levels will be more than 5 trillion, let's aim for the all-time record holder's record and beat that. Obama's ten trillion in crushing debt? History.


e pluribus unum2017-01-02T21:26:12Z

Even at 15 trillion, the cost would be less than what Obama was able to run up.


You did not complain about Obama adding 10 trillion to debt and it has nothing to show for it . He must of gave some to his rich friends?

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