Why are Trump supporters so sensitive about questions regarding Trump's appointees? Is public vetting not in our nation's interests?


It is in US interests to examine appointees, especially when the incoming President has been known for decades as a shady dealer. They don't want their guy to be looked at too closely, even if it's only the people who are surrounding him. He's got tons of people who have absolutely no political experience, and a Secretary of State who has deep business connections and a friendship with the dictator Vladimir Putin.

Can you say "conflict of interest?" I knew you could.

I think many of them just want to stick their heads in the sand and admit that they may have made a big mistake.

I believe it would be called a "state of denial."


it is if it comes from a neutral frame of mind. but when it's completely biased and just throwing a hissy fit because you don't like the guy's politics, then that's where it gets frustrating.

GEORGE B2017-01-10T17:58:53Z

We aren't, BUT, asking questions containing misquotations isn't vetting.... it's nothing but propaganda.


Shure wasnt a problem when Obutmunch was staffing up with all those communist/racists, like Holder and payoff appointments like Hilery


Who is sensitive? He did not ask for my input and I have not heard his thoughts behind some of his selections..

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