How stupid do you think Obama feels after mocking Trump with his remark "I AM President" on Letterman?
After mocking Trump for his audacity in running for President, do you think he is now embarrassed and feels incredibly stupid for his mocking of the President Elect?
Or do you think he's just butt hurt for being seen as such a fool?
The list of things that Our Blessed Leader got right can be counted on one hand. Not among those is the ability to admit he was wrong, about anything.
Have you seen how he squirms when during an interview he's called upon to acknowledge a failure? He can't even admit that his Red Line FAILURE resulted in 500,000 dead Syrians and another 6,000,000 displaced Syrians.
He's an egomaniac, and for what? What's he ever done of any lasting significance besides making SJWs FEEL better?
You could NEVER embarrass such a pompass assh*le. His arrogance has NO bounds. Once you could get to that point, obamafool would literally stand there and tell you for certain that the blue sky is actually bright red. Then he would strut away confident you are fooled.
Hillary has the exact same contempt for those who can not agree.