Is it a form of bullying?

Basically today in school, this girl got punched in the face . I told someone and I told that person not to tell anyone but then again you cant trust someone blindly . So I'm worried if that person does tell someone that I told them then can i get into trouble for it at school ??? And is it a form of bullying and also what do I do ??


Yes you are being bully by trying to silence & intimidating others. You are now feeling guilt for your actions & need to confess to priest. However, you instead are confessing on the internet so we will tell you that you are pure scum and on the path to becoming the next Osama.


Punching someone is a crime. Telling someone not to report a crime is called intimidation of a victim in my state. Yes, intimidation or the perception of intimidation is bullying.


You shouldn't worry, as long as you tell the truth the teachers will figure out the liars