Swim coach is a f*cking tool!?

Im on boys varsity swim and I hate my coach who is a total chump. I tried being nice to her before but in my freshmen year she was a total crab. Im now a sophomore and every time she ask me something and i answer with the truth which may seem smart mouth at first but is not, she yells at me for being "smart mouth". Example other day i missed practice i didn't tell her she was like "where were you" with attitude and i said "studying" and she said "tell someone next time" and i said "pardon i was busy so i couldn't" and this doofus yells at me. Honestly I really wanna floor this c**t or crash my fist in her face. She is not a good coach. She is young, and other people don't think she is a good coach either. And she sounds like a loser outside of swim as well. So how can I get her fired or any revenge? No horse **** answers like "just cause you dont like he doesn't mean you have to fire her". Those types of retarded answer will be ignored.


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Talk to her about how you feel ( without being snarky ) and take it from there.


Just get her fired or leave.


I'm sorry, what is your question? The coach doesn't sound like a tool, YOU do! Grow up and start showing up to practice or else quit the team and let someone else show up who actually wants to be there. You are a complete douche.


Have sex with her then tell your parents and she will get arrested and fired.


Wow, what a whiny little brat you are.

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