Do you view life as "succeed or fail" or do you view it as "Life is great and fun with lots of new fun experiences"?

In your own opinion, how do you view it as it is right now? Now, it can be a mixture of both right? It is true that if you don't succeed in life, you fail. But at the same time, it's just a fun experience. And it's something that we should be happy about for having as we experience it.

My side:
I am a college student. I am trying to get my education, my college degree, and get a good career with a good-paying job. if i don't succeed in college, it's going to be rough on me in the future. I worry for my future. How I see it right now, I see it as a "succeed or fail". I am starting to notice that jobs are scarce. Having a high school diploma isn't going to get me anywhere. I know hanging out with my friends in life is fun but, I have to focus on the bigger thing which is college. Only these last 4 years of education can determine where my success stands. Whether I drop out of college or not can really affect me. I feel like I am pressured to have a college degree in order to even find a decent job. Of course people aren't pressured to stay in college, and that they can just drop out of college if they wanted, but I'm not that kind of person. I fear failure so that's why I am doing the best I can.


Favorite Answer

Life is a combination is success and failure. Happiness and sadness. Good decisions and bad decisions. joy and misery, and everything in between.

No one ever has it all. Life is not an upswing of success. Just look around, that young multimillion dollar baseball player dead in an accident. Brangelina, rich, attractive, success people with cancer troubles, divorce and children with problems. Everyone has problems.

No one aims for failure, but we all do at some point or another. Life is tough and life is not fair, so better get used to it. The truth is success doesn't easy unlike what millenials May think that participation alone is plenty to get to the top and earn a ton of money without doing what it takes.

Even with a college degree you are not guaranteed success. No one is guaranteed success. It takes years of work and dedication to go anywhere degree or not. I know plenty of graduates unemployed for a variety of reasons to include bad luck.