I have zero motivation to do anything?

Okay so I was very excited to start college and I was a spring admit so I've only been here over a month and I have zero motivation to do anything. When I'm home it's very easy for me to keep a schedule, and do things because I have to drive and I enjoy it, but here I do nothing. I wake up, go get breakfast, go to class and go back to my dorm. I stopped working out, I don't have a big social life, and now midterms are here and I have no motivation to do any of the work. Mostly because I don't want to be here. I hate sharing a room with 2 other people, I miss driving (I'm in a city), It's extremely hard for me to fall asleep in my dorm. I'm in a major I don't want to be in and would rather do this online program but my mom wont let me. I'm interested in music business but my current school does not have it, and I would rather go to the Musicians Institute but that's in California and I'm in NY. I love learning but the whole testing and putting a grade on it bothers the **** out of me. I would rather just take in all of the information. I just don't know what to do anymore.


You are an adult now, act like it. You choose to do this and attend this school. If you can not drop out and get your tuition funds back, you are stuck with the decision you have made for the semester.
Do not go to a "for profit" art school. The successful photographers I know have Bachelor (BFA) degrees from accredited non for profit universities.
You could major in photography and take a minor in something,ore main streamed.
If you do stay in school, do much better reseach on your next school, both academically (does it have the major/minor your want) and if it is the right fit for you.
Right now you need to quit whining and finish out the semester as best you can. Go to the health center for your depression. Start exercising - which will help with depressions and stress. Get into a daily routine. Get up and go to bed at the same time. Plan out your weekends. Get out of the dorm and to the library to study. Lysol the heck out of your dorm. Wash your hands throughout the day. Most freshman do get sick. You are all crammed together not cleaning or taking care of yourselves.
These grades can follow you no matter where you end up at.
This summer get a full time job and work on your photography for yourself. See if that gets you anywhere.


You don't need to major in music business in order to work in music business. You can do that out of a normal business major, with the right experience. For example, you'd get involved with the radio stations and concert productions locally/on campus. You'd do at least one intership in music business. These are the same things you'd do with a music business degree, and they'll work the same for you if you do them out of a business degree. So this is not an issue unless you make it one. If it really is one for you - if you really want to change your major to music business - then transfer.

There are colleges in NY that offer a music business major, so if being in NY is your only option, you can transfer. Nazareth College, College of St. Rose, NJ City U (I know that's in NJ, but just in case that works), NYU, Syracuse, William Patterson (again NJ) all offer majors in music business or industry or something highly related. There could be more as well - that was just from an initial search.

You could transfer close to home so you can commute, if you want. You can transfer to a school that doesn't require freshmen to live on campus and commute from an apartment, if you can afford it.

Or you could just try to start working in the business, take some time off from school and see how far you can get without it. You can do things like lower level concert promotions without a degree.

So you have options. None of the issues you list are impossible to overcome. Figure out your path. Then go.


You could just stop get an apartment and a job; and start paying back Mommy and Daddy in installments. That will teach you with or without motivation.


you've lost your passion.. you need to find something new in life that interests you in ways your current life cannot. Excitement sparks motavation and determination... If you don't have the motavation to apply yourself to your life, you might just not be focusing on your life enough or overall, just not loving what you've planned to do with your life... maybe its a sign to reconsider your career path, or a relationship, or something else that affects you in a big way. You could possibly be experiencing a burnout as well.. You seem like a very ambitious person who applies themselves, but when you're burnt out, its completly natural to feel loss of all ambition. And it's healty to take a break... Take a break from all those stresses, set your sights ahead, rethink your life, and that motivation will come back to you...


I can relate to most of what you said. The only real difference is that I'm not at uni, but your feelings (or lack of) seem very similar to mine at the moment. I don't look forward to anything; I don't dread things very much either. I'm mostly just indifferent, don't care either way.

I don't know how to get out of it, I guess I'm just waiting for it to pass, as it usually does. I started taking antidepressants recently, so maybe that will help. I'm not saying that option would necessarily be right for you too, just saying how I'm trying to deal with it myself.