Why are the Media over-praising Grand Canyon hiking survivor Amber VanHecke?


Good for her, idc


Very pleased that Ms. VanHecke is safe.

What she did was unsafe and against protocol. She did enough right to save her life, thanks for that, but most emphatically she did NOT do everything right.

hiking alone in a remote area (Mistake #1);

relying only on Google Maps !!!??? ( Big mistake #2);

IF anyone insists on solo hiking in remote territory, you MUST know some basic land navigation, i.e., Map and Compass, GPS is incredibly easy and helpful , but only when it works.

This is public land, why a lone hiker did not file a notice/ plan with the ranger station or at least tell a friend where she was going and when she expected to return is a mistake (#3).

No spare gasoline/fuel in remote desert? (Mistake #4)

Please do not promote Ms. VanHecke's story as " doing the right thing," She was darn lucky and she did enough to survive, thankfully, but a bit more planning and there is a happy return home for Amber without any survival drama necessary.