What is your favorite app to use a smartphone as a wireless touchpad for a laptop?

I am looking to use my phone as a wireless touchpad for my laptop. There are several apps available, so I would like opinions as to which to get. The app must meet the following requirements.
1. It must run on a phone using the Android operating system.
2. It must work with a laptop running Windows 10. (installing companion software on the laptop is acceptable.)
3. I need to be able to operate the app using only the thumb of the hand holding the phone. Use of both hands is not an option.


Steve, stfu *****. I'll face **** your wife..


U recently told me that I was to dumb on my question and I would fail the test if I had to ask yahoo and not the 'company' but I am young so I rly though phoning them wasn't the best option and I knew what I had to do it's just Google came up with multiple answera So I wanted one correct answer and not 15 fake ones


This is not relevant to your question..
I have noticed that every time you answer someones question it is to belittle them in some way, and mainly to just be rude. You need to learn compassion, clearly you are a miserable person, but being kind to others would brighten your day, and your mood. Maybe try answering peoples questions with the intentions of being helpful and respectful, instead of trying to insult them. You, are a bully. 


No. I'm not a loser like you are, STEVEN F. Unlike you, I have integrity not to randomly abuse others here.


moron saddam was an us ally enf of story

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