Since when did yahoo become a porn site? /question/index?qid=20170412232024AAQ6Xy6?


Favorite Answer

For a while now, with nearly nonexistent moderation. It is supposed to be getting better, so lets hope for the best.


Does it matter you shouldn't even add a link like wtf is wrong with you adding a link but whatever and who knows when it became one maybe it became one when u came on yahoo


report them


You should never put a link in the freaking main question. That's what the additional details are for. Let me explain why you can't put a link in the top:

Yahoo answers automatically adds a question mark to the end of the top, which in this case, is the link. So, a question mark gets added to the link, making the link worthless. All it leads to, because of that question mark, is the main yahoo answers page.

So, I have no idea what you're bitching about because your link is worthless.

Ole Sinky Face2017-04-12T23:34:29Z

sorry dude that was months ago.