How to improve on low motility? Is there any medication or supplement I can use? Please list them here. I sex almost everyday.?
How to improve on low motility? Is there any medication or supplement I can use? Please list them here. I sex almost everyday. I want to stop that now.
Also, what are the natural ways I can increase my motility?
Favorite Answer
IF you have low motility, there is no physical way to change that. Its biological in nature meaning your body is just not capable of producing motile sperm. It happens. You can try to stop masturbating so much to see if your sperm count and fertility increase BUT, if the doctor diagnoses you as having very low motility (slow moving sperm) you will have to deal with that issue and work around the challenges that it presents.
He noted that the only factor below normal is the volume - > 1.5 ml up to 4 ml which he said could just because the interval between sex & testing. He urges me nothing to worry, if i am planning for baby soon. He analyses the semen analysis "explanation- Count means good number of sperms are being produced from the testis, which is very healthy. The motility is great , so there is no infection, so also the healthy of sperm is good. So just relax, it's good report, needs no treatment," my doctor said.
He went on to say that for conceiving, apart from normal semen , some other parameters are needed. 1. normal uterus 2. patent tubes 3. normal eggs ( ovaries)
He had asked me to let my partner get these checked by 1. ultrasound pelvis and 2. HSG