Do you talk to people from past work places?

I am 23 years old, and I've had a few different jobs and i have only kept in touch with like 3-4 people from past employers. I always hear the same thing, before i quit on on my last day people always says lets hang out or go get some beers later and it never happens, even if i make the effort they always seem to cancel or are busy, and i hate it when people B.S me.

A few people at my current work place got mad, because i said when i stopped working there i would probably never talk to them, or see them again. I wasn't trying to hurt peoples feelings, I was just being honest.


I show an interest in people I work with when I'm at work but outside of work I genuinely couldn't give a **** about anyone I've worked with bar a few that I actually respect as people but even at that in their day to day life outside work I don't contact them all the time or anything. I always feel having too much involvement in people's life's that you work with can negatively affect yourself at work