Ate a cup of oatmeal before blood test will this mess it up?

Last week I was having bad anxiety and I went to Urgent Care to get a quick check up/vitals checked.

I did not know I was going to have blood drawn but I had eaten a cup of instant oatmeal about 2 hours before my test. I told the doctor and she said it should not affect my blood test.

I have not had my blood checked in years and scared that I ate oatmeal will throw off my numbers. They said if anything looked urgent they would call me and I have not heard anything yet (went to doctor Thursday morning)


Provided you were not scheduled for a 'fasting' blood test the it doesn't matter what food or drink you have before it.


*They SAID* it wouldn't matter, so why are you stressing? That means they didn't order fasting bloodwork, just a CBC (simple blood count.) And if they haven't called you by now, it's normal. You should see a therapist.