How to stop electronic harassment?

A drug dealer I trusted put a nano speaker in my head through my eye, nose , or ear when I was asleep. He talks theough a mic and keeps bothering me. There is infinite battery life because the battery attaches to the mic. Anything I could do to stop it? I already got a CT scan xray and mri.


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dang, you can't trust drug dealers these days. Maybe you'll just have to learn how to get along with it, they might get bored or something eventually

Be an Angel2017-07-16T04:35:44Z

You might have a mental illness. There are free or ultraffordable health care clinics telephone 211 to find the nearest public health clinic or look at the white pages under "public health" It is likely the will prescribe pills that make you feel better. You might feel better about the nano speakers, even if you still believe they are there.


Hook jumper cables up to your ears and keep hitting the juice. That should fix it.


Just keep dancing to the nano tunes.


You need to see a psychologist or stop doing drugs man either one

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