Why doesn't my chicken have a comb?

I have 3 chickens that are about a month and a half. All three are different breeds that I got from a local petting zoo. But one of them, (the biggest one with long legs and black feathers) does not have a comb at all! I have no idea why. And I don't even know what breed they are.


It takes time for the comb to develop. A month and a half is still too young for many breeds. As far as which breed it is, color of feathers is usually the least important thing to notice. Concentrate on earlobe color, whether the shanks are feathered, muffs, crests, general conformation, number of toes, things like that. Once the comb develops, the type is one of the best characters. I've been playing around with writing a key to the common breeds and would be willing to try to ID yours once it develops. In a couple of months, take some good photos and email them to me through YA, if you like. Be patient; I may have to ask further questions as we go through the key.


Some breeds of chickens don't have combs or waddles.