Are all prayers heard by God?

Big Bill2017-08-06T11:29:37Z

Ask the starving children of the world...

Ask those children who are dying of cancer and other diseases and their parents.

Ask the women, you girls and children who are being raped and abused.

If a god exist and if it hears the desperate prayers and petitions of those in dire need then said god is malicious, hard hearted and completely uncaring.

Why would anyone worship such a being or even think it was a "god".


Yes of course.

However, the Lord will answer prayers in His own way.


The fact of the matter, Yes, God hears all prayers, but some unanswered prayers are the best prayers ever, because God knows what we truly need, for are soul to become saved, Satan wants you to love the things of this world, because Satan is the ruling of this world, and he is the enemy of God, that is why 97% of the world mock and scoff at God Holy Word the Bible because most of the people are unsaved, and they will do the will of Satan, who is the enemy of God, and Satan will go totally against God word the Bible, and twist God word to make it seem like it is a lie, when God word is and has always been fact and the truth from the beginning, but mankind is wicked, and they will obey their master, and there master is Satan, all of the unsaved of the world, so read your Bible and pray and stay out of the churches because the church age is over, BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN, that is all of the churches throughout the entire world, because God is separating the wheat from the tares, that is the good from the evil, the true believers from the unbelievers, the saved from the unsaved, read Revelation 17:5 read Revelation 18:4 read 2 Thessalonians 1:2-4 read Matthew 24:15-16 read 1 Peter 4:17 read Amos 8:11 read Galatians 5:17-23


If God exists, he hears everybody. He may not grant your wishes, though.


God always be by your side.

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