Why are people such sociopaths these days?

Everyone is so self-centered, ungrateful, shallow, materielatic. That's all anyone ever cares about in these times. Is it safe to say that (the majority of people in the U.S. at least) are nutcases. We tend to think that psychotic people are the ones who do only terrible immorality such as rape, killings, drugs, robbery, abuse, torment, kidnappings but the truth is; how can you not go crazy when the world is a truly fu**Ed up place?

seedy history2017-08-20T00:37:43Z

We live in one of the safest places in the history of mankind and in one of the most secure places in the history of mankind and we are continually working on the melting pot approach to the best survival of the species and outside of how horribly we are trashing our planet.. man kind is okay. This materialism is the design, breeding, feeding of marketing. Marketing creates need where there was no need and then brainwashes the necessity for the need that isn't real. It has become so fiscally powerful that we've become drones for it but PEOPLE support charities, take in family members, feed the poor and homeless, donate to their churches, care about their seniors, observe and evaluate their children (not the same thing as parenting) as much as EVER in recorded history.

We are being MARKETED to that we are no longer of the value we once were and need to be rescued by some politician or some preacher or some product. But it's not true.


its a more common thing now , it never used to be like that.


More narcissistic than scociopathic. The value of other people is as a reflection of our own impact. How many likes, thumbs up, follows, etc. Any negative reaction or criticism is now routinely met with a campaign to demean and degrade the motive of the respondent, on social media. People are only allowed to be positive about the actions of people hungry for approval these days. It seems that the world NEEDS to know what some dopes are doing, but must only and always approve. If we don`t reflect to them what they want, we have the problems, not them.


yeah dude this isn't a new phenomenon, humans are self centered, it's not a big deal