Is he worth a friend?
A (male) and I (female) are colleagues. We got on very well and most of the time I treat him to lunches or dinners. Honestly I am not asking for gratitude. Last week another male colleague leaving and I bought him some traveling stuff while A bought him a voucher. Then A decided to treat that guy a lunch at KFC. I arrived there first and later A came told me to buy my own lunch first. So I bought. That guy hadn t arrived yet. Well, I found it very disappointed that A asked me to get my own lunch while he only intend to buy for that guy n his own. What was I doing there ? I felt so awkward that A didn t even offer to ask if he could buy mine as well. The meals are bloody cheap and I felt that A treat me very unfairly. Should I be angry if you were in my position?
I am not talking about money here. Or is it A only treat him only because I didn t offer to give a treat as I had bought that guy a farewell gift already. Only A suggested to give him a treat.
I am trying to figure out if A is worth to continue as friend wth whom I enjoy as lunch and dinner companion.
Please advise. thanks