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Is he worth a friend?

A (male) and I (female) are colleagues. We got on very well and most of the time I treat him to lunches or dinners. Honestly I am not asking for gratitude. Last week another male colleague leaving and I bought him some traveling stuff while A bought him a voucher. Then A decided to treat that guy a lunch at KFC. I arrived there first and later A came told me to buy my own lunch first. So I bought. That guy hadn t arrived yet. Well, I found it very disappointed that A asked me to get my own lunch while he only intend to buy for that guy n his own. What was I doing there ? I felt so awkward that A didn t even offer to ask if he could buy mine as well. The meals are bloody cheap and I felt that A treat me very unfairly. Should I be angry if you were in my position?

I am not talking about money here. Or is it A only treat him only because I didn t offer to give a treat as I had bought that guy a farewell gift already. Only A suggested to give him a treat.

I am trying to figure out if A is worth to continue as friend wth whom I enjoy as lunch and dinner companion.

Please advise. thanks

1 Answer

  • 4 years ago

    Why would you get mixed up with someone from work. Does not make sense.

    Now if he is not banging you, why would he want to waste time with you being a friend, he wants to bang, your not the one banging so he is better off just leaving you as a work collegue and going out with his time finding someone who will bang him. Guys do not want to be your friend, its so obvious when guys call it "got friendzoned"

    So thats life, either bang him, or simply work with him, but dont think you can be friends, you cant.

    Other issues; He cant be like your girlfriends because when u girl talk, us men have no idea what you are on about, so we tell you tell your friends not us. So that side of friendship is NOT possible.

    You are unlikely to share his male traits, so that side is missing...

    See my point you simply cant be friends, you are not biologically, mentally designed to be such.

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