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He DUMPED me in his Car!!!...????

I went on a few dates with this guy that I met from an online dating site. He was nice but was also a bit rude sometimes. I called him out on it, we got into an argument over the phone, he said it was over. For some reason 1 month later, I missed him and asked him if we could start over. He said yes, he said he missed me and he planned 2 dates. A ‘car date’ for one day and a dinner date for the day after. For the car date, I brought food and he brought wine. We ate in his car but he was grumpy & a bit rude. He started kissing me, but when he wanted to do more to me, I said no and then he said ‘this is not gonna work out, I can’t date you, you are beautiful & I’m physically attracted to you but I’m not emotionally invested in you’. He also said he never wants to see me and has now blocked me. WHY did he initially act so excited & plan 2 dates and then DUMPED me in his car?

3 Answers

  • tammy
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    He was trying to get some. There was never a second date or a future. Stop being so naive.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    It sounds like he tried to give it one more chance. He wasn’t feeling it, so he told you he wasn’t interested. He was honest. He didn’t really dump you because that implies that you had a relationship to begin with. You only went out a few times. It didn’t work out. Time to move on. At least he didn’t lead you on and string you along and give you hope for a relationship. That’s how casual dating works. You hang out with someone a few times, and if you don’t click, you part ways. I’m not sure what you think he did that was so awful. 

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    you might be better off without him

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