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  • Where have all the catfish in Bangkok gone to? ?

    I hope anyone from Bangkok will tell me where are all the the catfishes once always swim along the Chao Phraya river? I often fly to Bangkok which is a nice place but sad to see all the fishes gone. I hope they are still around. I hope friends from Thailand will give me some info, thanks.   Stay safe 😷

    Thailand2 months ago
  • Can a team leader tell his worker that nobody wants to work with her?

    This team leader A listened to fellow workers that they do not want to work with B. Then this Team leader goes to tell B so n so don’t want to work her. He can also point at someone who happens to be around by telling B the same story. This includes in group chat as well. This team leader doesn’t seem to be in his right mind and how could he do this kind of thing to B. He should solve the situation instead of trying to create more psychological trauma to B. I believe B doesn’t cause any problem at work. Please advise n I know B who is not a trouble maker. Please kindly advise and B needs help desperately. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Workplace problem causes bad atmospheres?

    In our company we worked as team. There are two guys who told our team leader they do not want to work with me. My team leader believed whatever he heard n said the problem lies with me that no one wants to work with me. He didn’t even asked me or solve the issue. He put me with a new team of 3 persons which the earlier two guys also do not want to work with either.

    Everyday we start work around 8.30am, two of them will come around 10am and leaving at 11.30am. After lunch supposed to start at 2pm they come arnd 3pm. I cannot proceed the job by myself. I did not tell my team leader about this matter. I just told them to be early which they don’t like it. I think I should let my manager know about this. This team seems to be happy now as no one bother them anymore. The team leader is on their side. What should I do if u were in my positions?

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Team members dislike to work with me?

    We are working in team in our company. There are these 3 guys who told our team leader they do not want to work with me saying I always show my anger with them. My team leader believer them. Instead he put me to a new team which the three guys also dislike to work with. My team leader never hear my side story and told me the problem lies with me cos nobody wants to work with me n without asking me what’s happening.

    3 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Is it wrong to talk about traveling, dogs and food with a coworker who told me I talked too much?

    My job is working outside and I have coworker working alongside with me. At times it is quite boring so I will talk about traveling, dogs ( I love dogs o) and food etc to make the time goes faster..

    At the end today he told me I talked too much because he is not interested in travelling, dogs or food. I was really stunned as I never realise chit chatting with anyone could end up like making someone feel so annoyed. I felt very embarrassed because i didn’t realise it would cause such an impact that someone could tell me I talked too much.

    I don’t mean any harm at all. I reckon I should stop talking but just do the work that’s all. Can anyone advise if you are in my shoe what would you do? I am not angry because I have learnt a lesson too.

    19 AnswersEtiquette2 years ago
  • What did my friend mean when he said this?

    My male friend who started a new job five months ago. He got to know a female coworker and went out with her a few times as well. He told me they become quite close. And last few weeks the told me he started searching for new jobs. I thought he should be happy working together and will not want to leave. I asked him that. He told me he looking for me job cos he didn’t want to be chained. Does that mean the woman is clingy and want to chain him?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Is the problem on my side?

    Why do I lose my appetite when I eat with this guy though he is my friend?

    We always have dinner few times a month but when I see him I feel like my appetite just gone . He is not ugly but a pleasant fellow. I don’t enjoy my food and feel the food tasteless. What is happening ? I want to eat and be happy but with him it seems like I lost some kind of feelings. Is the problem on my side?

    Pleas advise, thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why do I lose my appetite when I eat with guy though he is my friend?

    We always have dinner few times a month but when I see him I feel like my appetite just gone . I don’t enjoy my food and feel the food tasteless. What is happening ? I want to eat and be happy but with him it seems like I lost some kind of feelings.

    Pleas advise, thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • My friend has been coughing (dry cough) for few months.?

    My friend has dry cough which recurs on n off. The current one started from last year ( at least few months). He bought all kind of cough medicine n consult GP and the cough never seem to go away. He went for X-Ray but doc said it was clear. I am wondering if he has some health issue. Though he always go running I assume it will help the lungs. Well, no improvement at all. He does NOT smoke at all. Any advice?

    4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases2 years ago
  • Should I go on seeing this friend?

    I have a male friend whom I have known about 3 years. We can considered good friend ( not boyfriend/girlfriend stuff ), he was also an ex colleague. We had lunch everyday for about 2 years till he found another job. Now we only have once weekly dinner. I am working in a company which will give year end bonus,

    performance bonus n mid year bonus, I will share some with this friend. (Good things must be shared). At times I won some lottery which I will share as well. Lately I find he reply to my text messages rather less frequent. He told me he was busy. Yesterday he told me his work place has a girl who asked him to go movie this valentine day. He said she is very pretty. It’s okay to tell me that. He told me she is not his girl friend. I told him that since now he has someone he maybe has an intention then I will not bother to share anything with him anymore. The reason is I do not want to cause any misunderstanding. That moment he sound angry saying he should not have told me anything. Can anyone advise why he say that? Genuine response most welcome.

    5 AnswersFriends2 years ago
  • A friend who shows me he has principle and yet should I trust him now?

    I am very disappointed with a friend who always dine with me every Thursday nite n never fail to do so. Other day from mon to Friday except Thursday he has other friends who run or cycling with him and the timing cannot be changed cos his friends already booked him. Today he texted me saying Tuesday he is free to dine n to my surprised it’s supposed to be Thursday. He said busy with other friends when he told me their timing cannot change. He didn’t tell me the reason only said tomorrow is the only day he is free this week. I feel like I am just a spare or am I thinking too much. I only want positive advice.

    3 AnswersFriends2 years ago
  • How to figure out what kind of a person my male friend is ?

    This friend of mine keeps telling me his coworkers will not go out after work if he never follows them. His coworkers will organize badminton, bowling or running. The group only go exercise if he joins them otherwise all of them won’t go. There are about 9 of them both male n females. He said every week his schedule after work is always booked n if I want to go out with him has to book earlier n he will not break his coworkers’ appointment with him. He is new in the working place. I find it rather odd because in my life time I have never heard anything like this before, lol

    Has anyone met this kind of character before n can someone advise.

    2 AnswersFriends2 years ago
  • I am going to miss him?

    I may sound silly. My good male friend R is starting a new job next Monday. We are close friends. I have been eating lunch with him for the past 2 years and next week onward our lunch timing will be different and I don’t know if I will ever see him again. I am very sad. We are living in the same state. Please kindly give me good comforting words, I need that. Thanks

    2 AnswersFriends3 years ago
  • Is he worth a friend?

    A (male) and I (female) are colleagues. We got on very well and most of the time I treat him to lunches or dinners. Honestly I am not asking for gratitude. Last week another male colleague leaving and I bought him some traveling stuff while A bought him a voucher. Then A decided to treat that guy a lunch at KFC. I arrived there first and later A came told me to buy my own lunch first. So I bought. That guy hadn t arrived yet. Well, I found it very disappointed that A asked me to get my own lunch while he only intend to buy for that guy n his own. What was I doing there ? I felt so awkward that A didn t even offer to ask if he could buy mine as well. The meals are bloody cheap and I felt that A treat me very unfairly. Should I be angry if you were in my position?

    I am not talking about money here. Or is it A only treat him only because I didn t offer to give a treat as I had bought that guy a farewell gift already. Only A suggested to give him a treat.

    I am trying to figure out if A is worth to continue as friend wth whom I enjoy as lunch and dinner companion.

    Please advise. thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is he interested in me?

    A male coworker has lunch with me everyday. He will take Grab/Uber to come and have lunch with me. And one week on a Friday he will have dinner with me. There s no string attached but he keeps smiling all through every meals. We are both single.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Team leader treats me diffferently?

    In the middle of June I was transferred to 'S' department. It is just a month ago. The male team leader is in his late 60s. Before I transferred I was in another department, this team leader at times will talk and joke with me. Until few months back when he heard am going to his department he stopped talking to me totally. First day when I report there he just seem like a stranger and distant to me. Even a stranger can be warm and friendly but not him. He even asked other colleague to pass message to me. I have been working 8 years in this company and has 4 team leaders who are work professionally and no problem at all. I have never even worked with him how could there be personal conflict? Working life becomes an emotional roller coaster. He is a re-contract retiree who choose to remain in workforce. I don't think am a threat to him as I am living and working as a low profile person. Your advice is very important to me. Thanks

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Should I stay or should I go?

    I am in a dilemma. I applied for this permanent job last October without thinking as I knew I will not get it. Got a call from HR later telling me I got it. I was shocked and didn't feel happy at all as I was not mentally prepared. The Managers had recommended me. I appreciate it very much.The new post will be more stressful. I started to get anxious and panicky as two persons holding the same positions had quit. One just converted to perm staff and the other was under probation. I started to have phobia thinking ' I will be the next one'. I love this job very much and currently on a four-years contract. If I quit I will have nothing left as it is a very meaningful job. I worked with a good team leader who don't pressurize us. Personally I cannot take stress due to past experience. I was supposed to start in November but delayed till January. Since then I started consulting doctors and was told I have a mild anxiety. January I changed to the new post for a few days then I become very emotional and couldn't stop crying. I started having insomnia and loss of appetite. Few days later I ran to my Senior Manager and cried, he was very understanding n allow me to go back to my previous work place. As I rejected the offer I feel conscience-stricken towards all the managers and Head of department. In the end the Head did not accept my rejection. What should i do now? I am causing a mess and feel very irresponsible for all this. I am going crazy. I need advice, thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How to download map for offline usage?

    At my working place we have internet connection only for certain website for us to get info. But I need to use the map at times. I can't even go to Google map. Can anyone teach me how to download map and the process doing it? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks!

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago