After a party holds White House for 8 years it's almost impossible for same party to win again, so why are Republicans feeling so smart now?


not true. The Republicans had Reagan for 8 years and followed that with 4 years of G H W Bush. And don't forget FDR followed by Truman for 20 years.


The conventional wisdom is that its difficult to win a third term but Im not sure thats true. Its kind of happened in three of the last three times it was tried. Bush Sr succeeded Reagan of course but in both 2000 and 2016 the candidate of the incumbent party won the most votes, only losing through a fluke.

Before we get to 2024, Republicans have to worry about 2020. At this point, it looks unlikely that Trump will win a second term. He lost the popular vote in the 2016 race and seems to be doing nothing to reach out beyond his base is supporters. In 2020, the demographics will be even worse for Trump than they had been before. Before worrying about the third Republican term you have to worry about securing a second. The long-term challenge for republicans is not a third term curse, but rather the distinct possibility that Donald Trump will succeed in identifying their party with white racial grievance at a time when whites are shrinking part of the population.

Demsey Dumpster2017-08-29T00:42:44Z

Because When President Trump keeps his campaign promises, nominates 2 more Conservatives to the Supreme Court in his first term and drains the swamp the Democratic Party will have to split into 2 parties, the goofy Liberals and the goofier Far Left Liberals and neither will have enough votes to win any more elections for many generations.


That's a myth. And the Republicans are very roiled and agitated.


Always coming up with excuses to shield Goofy Killary from any blame for running the most laughably pathetic campaign in U.S history.

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