Could somebody please critique this poem?


Does he who dwells behind
the glass wherein I look
suspect what he will find
if he should wink? The kook
he sees must right then wink -
my other eye. Who'd think?
Supposing I then trace
with my right index finger
clockwise loops in space -
his southpaw circles linger
with counterclockwise grace,
quite complementary
and yet contrarian,
sincerest flattery
with artful varyin'

In portrait, to my left,
hangs she, beside our mirror,
by whom my heart was reft -
since then I've been joy's fearer.

Let mirrored me glance right, he
would more than likely see
some nymph whom he rebounded to
since losing not one week to rue,
leaning langorous on his wall -
his joy, his flame or fleeting all.


You set up the premise of your poem nicely, but
when I hit the shorter middle stanza, my fears were
made true.

Very good work, I enjoyed. This was mostly iambic
trimester, not an easy task, at least for me, as it's a
'tweener' - not too short, not too long, but your cadence
moved with a good beat. If you were shooting for all
in sync, there are a few that were 8 syllable but no one
said it had to be perfect, in fact, I think interspersing some
mixed meter to convey what's in your heart is the sign of
a good poet, and you filled the bill. Congrats. Thomas


Its overbearing and makes little sense.
Some lines try being fancy but fail.
Here's one of a few .
he sees must right then wink

Lapiz Dominoes2017-10-03T16:24:25Z

The narrator`s inner reflections are made inseparable from the mirror`s tracings of them
according to his moving before, and within it.From love to fleeting pleasure, then..Reflection. I find the twists and turnings conveyed to be reminiscent of all who...question, unceasingly, and this to be a fine fine poem.


I really like it! Editing with more punctuation will make it flow better!

Can she lean, "against" the wall, instead of, "on the wall", in the second last line?
And I like an exclamation mark at the end of, "his fleeting all!" ...?

Does he who dwells behind,
the glass, wherein, I look,
suspect what he will find,
if he should happen to wink?
The "Kook!", he sees,
must by rights ...
"Then wink my other eye!",
Who'd think? ...

Supposing .....
(Paragraph makes it easy on the readers eyes)( Nice to see you, Tommy!)xxx



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